SQL – Rollback a transactions to a savepoint

I Assume that you have a basic idea of Transactions. If not go through What are Transactions in SQL Server first. So we can do following three statements while working with Transactions in SQL.

  • Begin Transaction
  • Rollback Transaction
  • Commit Transaction

With the help of Rollback command we can rollback the changes. Means if anything goes wrong with any of the T-SQL statement in the transaction, all changes are aborted/ reversed. What if we want to rollback till a specific point in the transaction not the entire transaction. So SAVEPOINT is a command which helps us doing this. Let’s see how.


It is a command which creates a point in a transaction to which you can rollback your transaction. You can have any no. of savepoints in your transaction. Try creating it.
Syntax : SAVE TRAN savepoint-name
NOTE: you can write Tran or Transaction - both are same.

Now lets take an example.
1. Create a table tbl_demo with 2 fields

Create Table tbl_demo
id int,
name varchar(10)

2. Inserting 1 record in table

Insert into tbl_demo values(1, ‘Lovely’);
Select * from tbl_demo


3. Now Create a transaction with 3 savepoints and lets try to rollback not the entire transaction but to a particular savepoint.

Begin tran
Insert into
tbl_demo values(2, ‘Sudha’);
Insert into tbl_demo values(3, ‘Arvind’);
Insert into tbl_demo values(4, ‘Neo’);

Execute above transaction, and check the Table- tbl_demo

4. Now execute the command Rollback to rollback the transaction. By executing it whole transaction will reversed and your table will left with only 1 record.



5. Now execute above transaction once again, and let’s try to use Savepoint command to rollback to a particular point in transaction. We have three savepoints so we can roll back to any one of them, let us rollback to Savepoint B, means till ID 3.

Rollback Tran B;

Execute above Query and then see Table tbl_demo by using select statementTransaction
You can see that records till Savepoint is remained and after Savepoint B the records are reversed. So ID 4 is undone.
Now You can commit your transaction.

Release a Savepoint

There is no need to Release a savepoint in SQL Server. They are automatically get released when the transaction get committed or rolled back.

Hope this article helps you in clearing your concept regarding savepoints in Transactions