How to bind Two values in Combobox in WPF

ComboBox Binding in MVVM

WPF Developers can easily bind One value to the combobox but however binding two values in Combobox is a matter of some confusion.

So today I am going to show you an example in which I am adding two values ‘Country Code’ and ‘Country Name’ to a combobox. Here I am following MVVM Pattern. And After reading this post hope you will also realise the importance of DataTemplate.

Screenshot of the Output what we are going to build
Combobox Binding

Create a new WPF Solution name it – ComboBoxBinding. And Add 2 Class Files name them ModelCountry.cs and ViewModelCountry.cs

public class ViewModelCountry
            private ObservableCollection countryLst;
            public ObservableCollection CountryLst
                get { return countryLst; }
                set { countryLst = value; }

        public ViewModelCountry()
            CountryLst = new ObservableCollection()
                new ModelCountry() { Country_Code=”IN”,Country_Name=”India” },
                new ModelCountry() { Country_Code=”US”,Country_Name=”America” },
                new ModelCountry() { Country_Code=”DE”,Country_Name=”Germany” },
                new ModelCountry() { Country_Code=”AU”,Country_Name=”Australia” },
                new ModelCountry() { Country_Code=”BE”,Country_Name=”Belgium” },
                new ModelCountry() { Country_Code=”FR”,Country_Name=”France” },
public class ModelCountry
	private string country_Code;
	public string Country_Code
		get { return country_Code; }
		set { country_Code = value; }

	private string country_Name;
	public string Country_Name
		get { return country_Name; }
		set { country_Name = value; }
<Window x:Class="ComboBoxBinding.MainWindow"
	Title="ComboBox Demo" Height="350" Width="525">
	<Grid Background="#98dafc">
			<TextBlock Text="Normal Binding" Width="200" Height="30" FontStyle="Italic" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="20" />
			<ComboBox x:Name="comCountry" Width="300" Height="40" SelectedIndex="0" ItemsSource="{Binding CountryLst}" SelectedItem="{Binding Country_Code}"  DisplayMemberPath="Country_Name" />
				<TextBlock Text="Both Id and Name Binding" Width="260" Height="30" FontStyle="Italic" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="20" />
				<ComboBox x:Name="comCCountry" ItemsSource="{Binding CountryLst}" Width="300" Height="40" SelectedIndex="0">
							<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
								<TextBlock Text="{Binding Country_Code}"/>
								<TextBlock Text=" – "/>
								<TextBlock Text="{Binding Country_Name}"/>

Output – Expanding ComboBox with one value bind
Normal Binding

Output – Expanding ComboBox with two values bind
Both Binding