Functions in SQL

What are Functions in SQL SERVER?

Functions are the objects which performs an action based on input values (input parameters) and can return only single object (can be a single value or single table) unlike stored procedure. It is basically a set of sql statements.

SQL SERVER Provides many system defined / built-in functions and user defined functions (UDF). Below diagram shows the classification of functions .

Built-in Functions in SQL

They are the system defiend functions, which cannot be modified. They are listed below:

  • Scalar Functions
  • Rowset Functions
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Ranking Functions

Scalar Functions

They are the functions which operate on single value and also return a single value.

Examples :
Syntax : SQUARE(float_expression)
select SQUARE(10) AS Result

Syntax : REVERSE (string_expression)
select REVERSE('Seek Your Career')
Scalar Function

Aggregate Functions

They are the functions that works on a collection of values but return a single value.

Syntax : SUM(ALL | DISTINCT expression)
Note : Default is ALL


Other functions are : MIN(), MAX(), COUNT() etc.

User Defined Functions

Scalar Functions

They are the UDF (User defined functions) which returns a single value. The data type of the value returned is defined with the RETURNS Clause.

TIP: The return type can be any data type except text, ntext, image, cursor, and timestamp.

Table Used : Personal_Detail
Scalar Function

Now let us create a scalar function which take house_no, city and state as input and give us one string value as address combining these 3 column values.
CREATE Function fun_add
(@House_No varchar(20),
@city varchar(20),
@state varchar(20)
RETURNS varchar(40)
RETURN (select @House_No +', '+ @city+', '+ @state)

Execute above statements to create Function – fun_add().

How to call a Function?

Select id, name, dbo.fun_add(House_No, city, state) as Address from personal_detail

You can see that a custom column is created according to the value returned from the function.

Table Valued Functions

This user defined Table Valued Function returns a table. In it we can have inline table-valued and multistatement table-valued functions.

Inline Table-Valued Functions :

Here it does not have the function body, the returned table is the result set of the SELECT statement.

Table used in this example – Personal_Detail
Inline Function

Let us create a function which takes state as input and gives all the matching rows as a table.

CREATE function search_state
@state varchar(15)
RETURN (SELECT * from personal_detail where state = @state)

Execution : SELECT * from search_state(‘Maharashtra’)
Inline Function
Here you can see that the function is returning the result set of SELECT statements.

MultiStatement Table-Valued Functions :

It do contain function body within BEGIN and END block. Contains a set of T-SQL statements that creates and insert values into a table and return that table as an output.

Let us create a function to demonstrate the same

Table Used: Personal_Detail
Inline Function

Create a function which creates a table, insert values into it and do some updation in the newly created table but not modifying the original table.

CREATE function fun_getemptable()
ID int,
Name varchar(20),
State varchar(20)
Insert into @detail select id, name, state from Personal_Detail
UPDATE @detail set state = 'Himachal' where state = 'Maharashtra'

Execution : select * from fun_getemptable()
Multistatement function
Here we have created a detail table inside the function and inserted values from our original personal_detail. Moreover the updation take place only in the detail table and no modification is done in the original table.

NOTE : You cannot use DML statements with functions. Like INSERT, UPDATE AND DELETE.