Trees Data Structure

Trees are the non- linear data structures that represent a hierarchical relationship among various elements. Tree is a collection of nodes which are connected to each other.

Look at the basic tree structure in the figure below:

Tree Data Structure

Untill now we deal with linear data structures like Array, Linked List etc. But Trees are non-linear data structure. Why ??

See in Array, Linked List, Stack, Queues etc you see a logical sequence which have a previous and a next element But as Trees are non-linear data structure, here the elements are arranged in a hierarchical way logically just like an inverted tree.


See full video of Introduction to Tree Data Structure

Important Points about Trees


Fig.: 1

  1. Trees are the collection of Nodes which are connected to each other
  2. Each node can point to none, one or multiple nodes which in turn points to several other nodes.
  3. Each node has exactly one parent only except the root node.
  4. Nodes that don’t have child means which do not point to any node are called leaf Node or Terminal Node( See Fig. 1)
  5. Nodes that are having same parent are called Siblings.
  6. Tree

  7. There is a Single unique path from Root node to any particular Node.


The path or link of the Parent Node to its Child Node is called the Edge or Branch ( See Fig. 1)

If a tree have 'n' Nodes, then it have 'n-1' edges.


Subtree is the Portion of the whole tree, that can be seen as a tree. All leaf nodes are also subtrees but all Subtrees are not Leaf Nodes.

Degree of Node

Number of subtrees of a node is called Degree of Node.

Internal Node

All the nodes Between Root and the leaf nodes are known as Internal Nodes

Level of a Node

It is the distance of any Node from the root node in terms of no. of nodes. [Root Node is at Level 0]


Depth of Tree

It is the maximum number of levels of a tree. It is also called weight of tree.
Depth of Tree = Max levels of tree + 1.